
Create a Profile

Creating a profile on our directory will make it easier to reach your target audience, promote your work and connect with other creatives and professionals.

Southampton Forward launched this platform in February 2024 to increase access to local creatives. Here you are able to list your services, skills and talent in one place and share it with a wide audience.

It won’t be perfect straight away but we are committed to developing the directory to make it a powerful resource for the creative industries in Southampton

Please take the time to create your profile and help us spread the word!

Create your profile

What are you creating a profile for?

Tell us about your business

Creative disciplines*

Primary discipline tag

Additional discipline tags (Max 2.)


Enter keywords separated by ‘,’ to help people find you when they refine their search for specific skills (Max 10.)

You can use keywords to highlight the services you provide, the type of work you do, or the style/genre of your creative practice. Some examples are:

Venue/room hire, Studio space, Consultancy, Courses, Workshops, Teacher, Facilitator, Sculpture, Illustration, Makeup, Painting, Printmaking, Vocalist, Band, Soloist, Rock, Pop, Folk, R&B, Jazz


Add an email address, website links or social channels. (Max 3.)

Experience level*

Please select a maximum of 3.

Account Settings

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